Women we admire # Yokaw Pat
A beautiful soul and a joyful eye for art and aesthetics: Yokaw Pat is a true renaissance woman. Besides working as a make-up artist and influencer, she also writes passionately about food and accompanies her articles with her own exquisite photography.
- Tell me about Amsterdam, your hometown. You have such an elegant apartment; did you set out to create a calming space from the start or did it happen organically?
When I entered the apartment the first time, it was empty and stripped of everything. Just a big white space with huge windows framing the blue sky with puffs of clouds drifting by. The space seemed perfect just as it was, so I decided to add as little as possible to the space.
- One can observe a rich and varied imagination at play in your work; how do you link it all together?
Haha, I just try to be myself and solely do things that I like. It's so easy to get distracted from your true self these days. I just try to stay grounded and accept the things I am capable of doing and accept the things I can't, like driving a car.
- What gets your creative mind energized?
Observing passionate humans...and also animals with inspiring personalities can make me feel really grateful to be part of the bigger whole.
- How did you start writing about food? Has it always been a passion?
I love food; food is what binds us as living beings, food helps us to understand each other's culture, but also the way nature, the climate and the seasons work together. Food can be something you can simply enjoy to please your senses, but it can also function as the start of a deep conversation. Writing about food just happened to me, like most things in life and it felt so natural that I have loved doing it every day.
- Is there a furnishing object in your home that is particularly valuable to you?
Every object is special to me at home (I try to have as little as possible), but I try not to attach myself to anything material. If a fire would break out, the only thing I would save are my rabbits. Everything else can be replaced.
- What is your all-time favorite film/album/book?
Le petit prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It teaches you to always see the world through the curious eyes of a child. I'd rather see a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant, then a boring hat.
- What are you reading?
“ A history of food in 100 recipes” by William Sitwell.
- What has been a career-defining moment?
Every day is a new learning curve for me :-)
- How do envision the future of your work?
I'm a bad planner, so I'm more the kind of person to adjust to all the surprises life has to offer me every day. So far it has not been disappointing at all.